We know that your medical needs don't stop when office hours are over. Using our help line and our email service, you can get a message to your health team when it is convenient for you.
Menu of Services*
In-Office Diagnostic Testing
Menu of Services*
In-Office Diagnostic Testing
Separate Fee Services
Additional Services
All Patients who are current members of the Practice are also provided Dr. Hughes personal number for unlimited access to their provider during and after office hours.
*All in-house services are subject to certain limitations such as equipment failures or unforeseen supply/staffing shortages.
**Additional fee applies to House Calls and may be declined by the Practice in its own discretion.
***Specimens are sent out to respective labs for return results.
When you choose us, you join a community. We work not just with you but with other members of our community to build a network of people working together for a healthier world.